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- tuncali on My PhD thesis: Why does mainstream economics ignore ecology?
- tuncali on Preface of my book “Ecological Ignorance in Mainstream Economics”
- tuncali on What does “sustainable wellbeing economy for all” require?
- tuncali on Preface of my book “Ecological Ignorance in Mainstream Economics”
- tuncali on Natural Aquariums for Ecological Literacy and Ecosystem Modeling
- tuncali on What does “sustainable wellbeing economy for all” require?
- tuncali on The man who never asked inconvenient questions
- tuncali on Preface of my book “Ecological Ignorance in Mainstream Economics”
- tuncali on Preface of my book “Ecological Ignorance in Mainstream Economics”
- tuncali on Preface of my book “Ecological Ignorance in Mainstream Economics”
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Category Archives: Sustainable life
Ecosystem Mutilation and Patching Business
Maybe you have already heard the term externalities in economics: Externalities are defined as harmful or useful side-effects of economic activities… For example pollution is a harmful side-effect of many industrial production activities. Most economy books explain the harmful externalities … Continue reading
Posted in Sustainable life
Tagged agriculture, aquarium, ecology, economics, economy, ecosystem, ecosystem mutilation, externalities, externality
Jared Diamond’s Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed
Did you know that great Indian civilizations like Maya and Anasazi went down primarily due to environmental disasters like erosion and aridity? Did you know that the Sumerians in Mesopotamia, such a creative and influential society, collapsed due to the … Continue reading
Impressions from my Bolivia journey in 2007, part 1
Impressions from my Bolivia journey in January 2007, organized by the retired Swiss biologist Robert Guggenbühl. Our travel group consisted of botanists, nature lovers and some passionate aquarium hobbyists. Passing from places like St Cruz, Robore, Trinidad, Magdalena and Bella … Continue reading
Posted in Natural aquariums, Sustainable life
Tagged bolivia, habitat, photography, robore
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Take clean-tech one step further: A self-sufficient life style
What is cleantech? Cleantech in the narrow sense includes green technologies like: Renewable energy (solar, wind, geothermal, biofuels) Green buildings Energy efficient and low emission transportation Biomaterials like bioplastic Water filtration With cleantech in the narrow sense one still means … Continue reading
Improving well-being through mind manipulation: Motorboats versus sailboats
The bottom line of this article is very simple: “Make the most of what you already have”. Nothing new, nothing extraordinary, just what the common sense says. You may see on the left side the famous five-level hierarchy of needs … Continue reading
Posted in Sustainable life
Tagged maslow, mind manipulation, quality of life, well-being
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