
Ecological Ignorance in Mainstream Economics

Ecological Ignorance in Mainstream Economics
Why does mainstream (neoclassical, neoliberal) economics ignore ecology, especially in the undergraduate education that shapes the minds of young students?

Available at Amazon as paperback

PhD thesis: Why does mainstream economics ignore ecology?
(a) Why does the mainstream (neoclassical) theory and education of economics ignore ecology?
(b) What is the place of ecology in the undergraduate level education in economics? The case in three countries (UK, Germany, Switzerland)

My PhD work at the University of Corsica can be downloaded here for free as pdf booklet. You can order a printed copy at lulu

books & downloadable booklets
book: Ecological Ignorance in Mainstream Economics (amazon)
book: Elmalı Köyün Vahşi Davulcusu (TR, story with music & pictures)
download pdf: Why does mainstream economics ignore ecology? (my PhD thesis)
download pdf: my blog articles (EN) in one pdf (version Nov 2022)
download pdf: my blog articles (TR) in one pdf (version Nov 2022)