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- tuncali on Preface of my book “Ecological Ignorance in Mainstream Economics”
- tuncali on Natural Aquariums for Ecological Literacy and Ecosystem Modeling
- tuncali on What does “sustainable wellbeing economy for all” require?
- tuncali on The man who never asked inconvenient questions
- tuncali on Preface of my book “Ecological Ignorance in Mainstream Economics”
- tuncali on Preface of my book “Ecological Ignorance in Mainstream Economics”
- tuncali on Preface of my book “Ecological Ignorance in Mainstream Economics”
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Tag Archives: cichlids
Wild form angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare)

As a student in Turkey I was every time taken aback when I read in aquarium books and magazines that angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) was one of the most popular aquarium fish. All the selective-bred angelfish races I saw in aquarium … Continue reading
A pair of peacock bass (Cichla ocellaris) guarding their eggs in Bella Vista, Bolivia (video)

In January of 2007, I joined a three-week expedition in the Beni region of Bolivia which was organized by the Swiss biologist Robert Guggenbühl. It was rainy season in Bolivia. Water levels had risen 6 meters or more. A pair … Continue reading
Posted in Natural aquariums
Tagged cichla ocellaris, cichlids, habitats, peacock bass, video
Aqua-Fish Fair 2009, Friedrichshafen (video)

You may watch below my impressions from the annual AquaFish Fair for aquarium hobbyists in Friedrichshafen, Germany (see Aqua-Fisch Messe Friedrichshafen). My spontaneous narration in Turkish with subtitles in English. Aqua-Fish Fair 2009 March, Part 1 Content in chronological order: … Continue reading
My aquariums at home (July 2009)

I have at the moment four aquariums; one in the living room, three in the study. All of them are quite large aquariums with 200 liters or more water capacity. 1) Community aquarium in the living room (160x60x60 cm) This … Continue reading